What is the Highest Order Invitation I Can Become to my Self in this moment?

A global pandemic has been declared. Borders have been closed. Behaviours are changing… some for better, some for worse. It is a time of deep rest and deep reflection. It is also, for me, a time of deep discovery, shock and awe. As I invite myself further into the chaos of all considerations presenting… considerations that I historically would have reflected upon only in private so as to not feel shut down even in the presence of those whom I know love me dearly… I am now allowing myself to give voice to my thoughts about these things out loud.

Everything is good in my personal world. I am allowing myself to be acutely aware of and deeply grateful for my own personal privilege in a world that has become increasingly entrained to forgetting itself. I am aware of the impact of the hive mind that continues to inculcate the same, weary narrative to foster fault and blame to desensitize our bodies and disconnect us from our souls. More than ever, I am feeling the urgency to wake up and stay awake. Now, more than ever, we are each at a choice point to ask this question of our Selves, What is the highest order invitation I can become to mySelf in this moment?

I do have my moments wondering about what is really going on in the world, such that we now find ourselves collectively in this surreal space we have created. I know that we are at a most significant fork in the road. We can look for a new ’normal’ where the content of our lives looks different inside frameworks that remain the same (which means that we will continue to engage in same old, same old, telling ourselves we are not) OR we can choose to change our context for being and living, which will change the narratives (the stories we tell ourselves to make it OK to be whom we are - i.e. the content) of our lives, because we will have radically chosen to embrace a higher order of thinking that will, without question, change our beliefs, our values and our attitudes about whom and what we are and can continue to become as quantum biological humans. Will we continue to look outside of ourselves and be shaped into lives that are not sustainable OR will we take up our lives into our own hands to uniquely shape our worlds as the treasures of our birthright they are meant to become?

What it will take is to remember that we are not our bodies (we are so much more beyond its innate brilliance), we are not our perceived identities, nor our behaviours, nor our emotions, in an externally referenced world that seeks to remind us - 24/7 - that we are nothing more than that. Economies and systems (none of them real) rely on that reality as truth to sustain what's familiar, what we already know as ‘normal'. Not so.

If there can be no turning back (there can never be a return to what was; natural evolution declares this so), will we willingly choose to move forward - even when we feel unable - as if living with amnesia…. in other words, starting over anew without reference points to lead the way?

Truly, we must now uniquely lead ourselves - meaning that we must allow ourselves to be lead intuitively and authentically by our higher Selves - our Souls - while providing a steadying and open hand to others, even as we stumble forward, unsure of our footing. It will take an undeniable willingness to completely TRUST our Selves when we are feeling uncertain, even in the best of times, about whom we are in the process of becoming. There is no turning back. It is folly to linger in the annals of history that encourage collapse rather than the expression of the essential core expansion of being we are organically designed for.

In a world where trust has become a platitude for the tenuous longing that seeks the visceral experience of coming home, we must free it from our intellects as unimaginable and unattainable, inviting and allowing it into and through our bodies as the deeply felt, all-encompassing, ever-expanding, penetrating, deliberate, directed and welcoming force it is. That IS the only way we will navigate these unprecedented times. Indeed, it has always been the only way to honour and sustain our sanity and our sacredness.

Breathing is good.