Cultivate the consciously unexpected.
It has been an incredible four months as we round the first quarter of 2023. Why has it been incredible? Because everything is moving so fast and no one knows what is happening!
artist: KC Green
I am at an age where I have lived far more of my life than what remains. I have moments where I can imagine myself going strong for another 15 to 20 years. At the same time, I have moments when I think I am just about done. In the middle of this continuum, I know that my ‘work’ here, my living on planet earth, is essential, if not yet complete.
My life has been about evolving myself in the good company of others as aspects of my consciousness. Thing is, there was a time when I would not let myself know the potential I carried for living. Somehow, I heard ridicule about my daydreams and shut that down.
There were long and extended periods of time when I was just plain scared to speak out. Would I be accepted and appreciated for thinking differently OR would I be refused, rejected and shamed? I learned very quickly that if I kept my mouth shut, all would be OK.
At some point, I had become so familiar with keeping the peace in the world outside me, I denied the turmoil that was going on inside me for not owning and asserting what was true for me. The rage and resentment I felt had to build to such an intensity that I would only speak out when a marker for outrage erupted. Not pretty. And I always felt embarrassed, then guilty for showing up with a vehement point of view. Good girls did not do that!
That all started to change 26 years ago when I initiated a deep study into the ancient Hawaiian Philosophy of Huna and NLP which was life changing. Ten years later, I stepped into the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge which further shifted my thinking about how to engage my life, moving forward. I discovered that all meaning is context dependent.
Each of us is the unique context for the life we choose to create. What we put into it is up to us; that includes the folks we choose to hang out with and how we choose to spend our time. When I owned that truth for myself, I realized quickly that others did not always like how I was choosing to live my life. So, I decided to let myself get comfortable with changing my mind, moment to moment to moment. The days of staying with a plan because I said I would disappeared. More information meant better decisions in alignment with living on purpose. It was not always easy; it was worth it, just the same.
Truth is, we often feel hard-pressed as adults to let ourselves even think about, much less let go of, what we believed was expected of us growing up. We knew that we were expected to grow-up to be confident, capable, fearless adults who could stand tall in our power, yet how many of us were repeatedly admonished as children for taking a stand for ourselves? Are you a 50 year old woman who, when you walk into your 75 year old mother’s home to visit her, becomes a 5 year old all over again? We all know someone like that. The entrainment to that kind of default conditioning is huge in our culture… unless you are awake to it. Unawake to it, self-trust erodes. Not only for you, but for others.
I think that life promises a harvest of good-will, even when the stink of shit fertilizing my garden wafts full force across my nose and stops me in my tracks. How do I realize that harvest? I allow myself to till the unconsciously expected in order to cultivate the consciously unexpected.
As such, I have spent a life-time getting honest with myself that I AM OK as I am. I educate women who are sick and tired of second-guessing themselves how to courageously own their choices so that they lead self-fulfilling lives.