Spring is in the Air!

I trust that all is well with you.

Regardless of how cold it is out there and how much snow is still showing up where I live, I notice that the change in the angle of the sun shining is evidence that Spring is on its way. My last name is Winter, so you could think that I’d love the season. It is not that I don’t, it is just that there is so much ‘right’ with spring; with subtle warming, the beginning of longer days and the return of birds that have spent the bulk of the winter deep in the bush. I’ve got to admit, LOL, I have had some days when I wished I could join the Blue Jays away from the ever increasing noise of media and human complaint. Those Jays may be noisy at times, however they arrive with such beauty and solace of being. Their sound is organic. All of that, I think, is what most people are looking for.

It is amazing that we find ourselves already in March. The first two months of this year have been undeniably tumultuous, no matter how we slice it. More than ever, we can feel a rising up of consciousness - especially if we choose to look at current events - both individual and collective, the world over - as movement forward towards life… and not away from life, as we are so generally inclined to do.

What we see is not always pretty, not always nice. In these last two years, so much of it has been a downright mess. So, it is becoming increasingly important to me that I wake up and pay attention to what we are each being asked - sometimes demanded, it seems - to collectively embrace for the common good… acceptance of which, in my experience, will often ensure that we’ll plunge even further into the deep coma of our own induction, so we don’t have to know and we don’t have to feel the fear that was there first.

Awake, we can, at the very least, each ask ourselves, ‘How is this working for me?’ and then get really honest with ourselves. In the truth that it isn’t, the question then becomes, ‘Will I choose differently?’ For a lot of us, therein lies the rub; we’d rather not.

I have discovered, in these last two years, just how easy it is for me to forget myself and future pace disaster. I celebrate that wake-up call! I think that future pacing disaster is true for so many; we have learned well just how easy and convenient it has become to throw ourselves into ‘protective custody’ by way of following directed demands that we ‘Be careful, don’t go there, stop!’ We’d rather freeze and hang onto the idea of a ‘safety’ we think is real than thaw into the full acceptance of space, movement and flow where true ‘safety’ continues to seed itself in its own pungent earth that is certain ground for a new launch of Self.

Now is the time to let go of the fear, the freeze, the coma. Now is the time to surrender to consciousness our own shackled, weighted-down perceptions of ourselves; now IS the time to wake ourselves up. Now IS the time to shine. Now IS the time to SHOW UP in yourself and LIVE.

Like it or not, the truth is that we cannot do life alone… nor should we even try. If we needed any evidence that isolation kills, just review what has happened to us, globally, over the last two years, by way of quarantine. Separating us was supposed to keep us safe. That turned out to be a massive lie. It took comatose leadership to arrive where we stand today. There is no reciprocity in isolation; there is no gratitude without reciprocity. Something to think about…

The following two questions will serve you well (I do not take credit for them; they originate with my dear friend, Louise LeBrun):

  1. How does the godForce that I AM choose to live my life, today?

  2. How is this working for me?

I ask myself these questions every day. I don’t always get an answer. It does not matter. I trust the magnitude of their vibrations to intuitively lead me forward to where I am always, in all ways, best supported.

Aways remember that Breathing IS good…

Thank you for reading.
