A message from Sheila
Sheila Winter Wallace

My vision is to see all women stand in their power and celebrate their worth, so that they live lives of their own design, helping their families and communities flourish.

My mission is to help women who habitually self-doubt and second-guess themselves to choose differently. I educate these women to a context shift in thinking about who and what they are as Quantum Biological Humans. I demonstrate the power of intimate choice as their birthright. I provide the tools they need to transform pain into peace and possibility, so that they no longer seek to avoid the intensity of what they are feeling in their bodies. It is OK to feel. With that acceptance, integration of consciousness is ongoing, so that these women come to feel vibrantly whole, unique and essential to their worlds.

Why do I do this? The cost of not doing so has cost me dearly over time.

My life changed the day I chose to declare bankruptcy at age 62. Up to that point, my life had always been about proving that I could measure up and fit in. While I strived to meet the assumed best practices for being self-employed in my own business, these expectations did not authentically map to the person I know myself to BE.

Unfortunately, striving to be ‘good enough’ was an approach that never worked and it was exhausting. After declaring bankruptcy - on my finances and on my life, too - I became my own sleuth, choosing to leave no stone unturned as I sought to uncover the unconscious patterns which had brought me into this long-avoided place of fear and humiliation.

My detective work continues to pay me dividends. I am continually gratified by my ever-evolving awareness of what becomes possible when we we choose to live intuitively, rather than by intellect alone.

Yes, even as scared as I felt at that time, I dove, head first, deep into the abyss that had once been my life. I let go. Through that journey into fully owning my vulnerability, I found my joy for living on purpose, sustainably. I can now celebrate the value of my impact in the world. I want that for the women who want that for themselves.

So, please subscribe below and reach out, if you would like to connect by phone or video-chat. I am always happy to answer your questions. I will respond to you within 48 hours of receiving your email. Please connect with me at sheila@sheilawinterwallace.com

Thank you.